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Guangzhou Xili Machinery Got A Hot Consultation In CBST2019 Shanghai Exhibition

2019/11/28 11:28
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Xilinear bottle-blowing machine has been sold at home and abroad more than 40 countries and regions.Through more than twenty years accumulate of technology and experience,Xilinear’s bottle-blowing ma

Xilinear bottle-blowing machine has been sold at home and abroad  more than 40 countries and regions.Through more than twenty years accumulate of technology and experience,Xilinear’s bottle-blowing machine widely used in drinking water, soft drinks, edible oil, cosmetics and other industries with high degree of intelligence,stable and reliable performance, high efficiency and energy saving.


18-20 November 2019,At the 9th China International Beverage Industry Science and Technology Exhibition ,Many foreign customers come to Xilinear booth to consult bottle-blowing machine, filling machine, BFC-monoblock and so on,especially the 03Y linear bottle-blowing machine for PET Jar bottle obtains the hot consultation.


This 03Y linear bottle-blowing machine main feature is can connect to the preform injection machine line. Auto preform loading,solve the problem which can’t auto loading preform in the industry.This machine for jar bottle can be used for condiments, sauces, food packaging,nuts, chocolates, candy, etc.